Why is Composting so Valuable?

Wait, what? What is compost? I hope you are here because you want to know all about this most valuable resource, but first I feel like I should tell you what this stuff termed “black gold” is: Compost is a mixture of ingredients used to fertilize and improve the soil. It is commonly prepared by decomposing plant and food waste and recycling organic materials. The resulting mixture is rich in plant nutrients and beneficial organisms, such as worms and fungal mycelium. Compost is the very best soil amendment to improve your garden, as it adds nutrients and structure and encourages the microorganisms that are in your ecosystem to come use it and start working your soil back to life.

A lot of people who are expecting boat loads of rich black gold from their composter can be disappointed when they put all their kitchen scraps and leaves in their box and only get a little handful of finished soil out, but I am going to ask you to look at compost from a different perspective.

Composting is part of the modern sustainable living lifestyle, and you can’t be a responsible human in the modern age without being fully aware of your waste stream.

Composting allows you to take perishable goods and turn them into living soil instead of making more landfill and also will help you to feed the planet while reducing your own waste footprint. Think how much less waste you contribute if you learn to compost everything you can. The black gold soil you earn is just a bonus benefit from taking care of your waste in a better and more sustainable way. If you embrace REDUCE REUSE and RECYCLE fully, composting is a lifestyle choice. Dig in and grow a better life for you and everyone around you in the new century.


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